
Horse Painting 36 x 48 inches, horse torso, horse lover, equine art, black background, chestnut horse

Original price was: $3,840.00.Current price is: $3,000.00.

Chestnut Torso is an original painting of a chestnut horse’s torso by Martha Dodd. The painting is 36 x48 inches, and is a gallery wrap.

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Chestnut Torso Original Horse Painting


Chestnut Torso Original Horse Painting is an original painting by Martha Dodd. The gallery wrapped canvas is 36 x 48 inches, and features a matte black background that sets off the striking colors of the gleaming chestnut horse. This painting is also available as a giclee in a variety of sizes and can be ordered as a canvas print, aluminum metal, or acrylic panel.

Chestnut Torso is part of a collection. Prints are available. Get the whole set for a stunning wall display.

Do you have questions about this painting? Contact Martha Dodd.


Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 54 × 42 × 6 in

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