Life of an Artist During the Quarantine

The Covid 19 pandemic has changed life for all of us. Even though there is some truth to the meme below, I have had to rearrange my life considerably since the quarantine began over a month ago. As of the time of this post, Florida is still quarantining with a possibility of reopening for business and socializing in perhaps a few weeks.
Meanwhile, I have been working on commissions and a few small paintings in my studio.
I am used to working alone, and kind of like it. The phone is a lot quieter now, which provides me with fewer distractions so I can focus.
New Ways of Doing Business
Still, I wonder how my business will change now that the COVID 19 has left it’s scar.
My galleries have closed for now, and one of them, DAAS Gallery, is developing an online store , now open, that they didn’t have before. Bravo for them!
This the way galleries and artists need to think, going forward.
I went to buy something at a craft store yesterday, and had to wait in line for 20 minutes before I could enter the store due to limits of 10 people in a huge store.. Has this happened to you recently? I vowed, going forward, that I would order things online whenever I could.
People are buying online like never before. The naysayers about selling art online (they were wrong before the virus, and they are wrong now) are reconsidering their views. It is quite possible to get a real feel for what you are buying now, with great images, videos, and preview tools available.
I also have a well developed online store, be sure to check it out!
Your Home is Your Sanctuary.
I heard about an artist who felt guilty about promoting her art during this pandemic. What she failed to realize was that her art has value, especially, during this time. Art makes people happy. It hangs on the walls in their home, giving them pleasure, and giving them something to think about. People are proud of their collections, and their choices are as personal and unique as they are.
Your home – truly – is your sanctuary, now more than ever. Consider a new piece to freshen up the look in your living room, bedroom and more. Art is available now at all kinds of price points. Can’t afford an original? Prints offer an affordable way to own art. If ordered on canvas, it can be difficult to tell a reproduction from an original, unless you look very closely.
Sign Up For A Free 16 x 20 Giraffe Study Print!
I want to invite you, your friends, family and acquaintances to sign up for my newsletter. for a chance on April 30th to win a free, yes free, Giraffe Study print. Even if you have already signed up in the past you are still eligible if you sign up again.
Time For Yourself.
Marc and I have been enjoying our time together in a multitude of ways. Home improvements, watching movies, going sailing, and spending time with our horse 007.
We hope you have found ways to enjoy your family, pets, home and more.
Much Love to You All,
Martha and Marc